Euro Fence Characteristic: With refined design, lower prices, convenient installation, this kind of item is very favorable for the users. Using high quality steel as raw material, the welded panels body is very plain and strong resistance strength. Especially the horizontal wire is wavy. Good corrosion resistance, ant aging, nice appearance, easy and quick installation. It is well suitable for a wide range of application, for example, for park, road and etc.
Euro Fence Tensile strength:
Line wires:450-550nwt/mm2.Cross wires:600-700nwt/mm2.
Material: Low carbon steel wire, PVC coated wire
Processing: PVC coated after welding of steel wire. Electro galvanizing, hot-dip galvanizing or PVC coating can be done separately.
Application: Euro fence is used as fencing, decoration or protection for various facilities in industry, agriculture, infrastructure, transport, etc.Commercial grounds (Corporation, hotel, supermarket).
Post for Euro Fence:Material: Two kinds mainly. One is black steel without galvanizing or spray painted; another choice is zinc coated hot dipped with spray painted.
Private grounds (Courtyard, Villadom)
Public grounds (Park, zoo, train or bus station, lawn)
Road and transit (Highway, railway or road city transit)
Used as fencing, decoration or protection for various facilities in industry, agriculture, infrastructure, transport, etc