Shade net
Shade Cloth(Shade net, Shade netting,Sun shade net)
Shade Cloth(Shade net, Shade netting) is used to provide shade against sunlight and to control temperature. Shade net can also be used to protect flowers, trees against frost, wind and hail damage. Shade net can also used for temporary fencing, packaging applications, greenhouse covering. Shade net widely applied for various cereal and oil crops, vegetables, melons and fruits, flowers, tea, domestic fungus, medicinal materials, greenhouse, carport, leisure place, etc.
Shade net Material: Virgin High density polyethelene
Shade net Mesh type: Crossover mesh
Shade net Weight: 70-260G/M2
Shade net Length: 50m; 100m; 200m or other
Shade net Color: White; Black; Dark green or other
Shade net Width: 1-6.5m
Shade net Treated with UV: 0.3%
3.6x3.6x3.6m triangular
5x5x5m triangular
3.6x3.6m square
5x5m square
2x3m rectangular
4X5m rectangular

Doing custom size, too.